Monday, November 2, 2009

Salsa Sundays & Seville

I wonder what makes someone obsessively write on (in?) his/her blog for the first week that he/she has it and then fail to write for the entire second week that he/she has it. Maybe it's because the second week of that person's life as a blogger (by the way, I'm talking about myself here) has been simple and quiet. Simple and quiet are fine and unobjectionable qualities in moderation, but nothing to write home (or on the internet) about.

However, there are four noteworthy life-plot-points that I will now make. Disclaimer: one of them is about television.

First, I joined a gym. 18+ years of self-examination have shown me that guilt-tripping is the most effective way to get me to do something, and I am now guilt-tripping myself into exercising. If I don't really make the most of my membership, it will be a tremendous waste of money. So tomorrow, I'm slipping on a pair shorts--ugh, how awful--and tackling the treadmill before work. Wish me luck, my 4 darling readers. You will all probably hear me complain about this experience tomorrow night.

My second update is that I went salsa dancing last night with a friend from work, which was a new experience for me! Before you write this off as pathetic, know this: I am an awful dancer. I really only have danced with people that I know really well--never in a room full of strangers who are mostly a decade or two older. We went to a restaurant downtown and heard a live band called Cinco Son play for a few hours, and over the course of the night my knees grew kind of sore (since when am I an octogenarian?) but I picked up some of the steps and had a ton of fun. I think that my first time going out dancing was, in many ways, a rite of passage. I would never describe myself as shy in general--I am usually quickly friendly when I meet new people--but I am crowd-shy, and noise-shy, and body-conscious, so going to Salsa Sundays was a little intimidating. Hopefully this gap year will be filled with many more intimidating, but ultimately fun and doable, experiences like this one.

Third, I am growing steadily more in love with NBC's Community. My boyfriend and I have been watching it together every weekend, and I like to play the clips with Abed and Troy over and over again, and he likes to make comments on what it says about my brain that this repetitiveness never bores me, and I like to ignore him and continue to appreciate Abed. I am so impressed by this character because in every episode so far, he has managed to break my heart a little bit and make me almost suffocate with laughter. He is so eager and sincere, and so, so, weird at the same time. He and the rest of the ensemble cast are worth watching, so if you're not already hooked, go catch up on Hulu!

Fourth, turns out I am the ONLY person enrolled in the gap year program in the Dominican Republic. So I might be going to Seville instead. Big development. Yes. But, I don't know that much about this big development yet, and it's past by bedtime (didn't I mention earlier that I am an octogenarian? Because I am, at heart.) Good night!

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